In my research for my architecture class, I came across these gems.

The architect Bernard Tschumi said that the way most of us experience architecture is through photographs in books, in other words, through our imagination of what the space would look like in real life. He then makes a comparison of the way that advertisements show you the same image over and over to create a desire for something that exists beyond the two dimensional page. So, "as there are advertisements for architectural products, why not for the production (and reproduction) of architecture?" Tschumi wants to see if the language of advertisements can create the desire to see or to be inside the building. These two ads are from Le Corbusier's famous Villa Savoy of 1965 which was in a state of decay at that point, and was soon to be restored. Tschumi would then go on to create plans for building identical iconic buildings all over the world, repudiating the singularity of architecture.