Under normal circumstances, I hate everything about leggings. The fact that they don't cover your feet. Those horrible awkward length ones that hit mid calf. The way that most people wear them as a substitute for pants. The fact that it has forced me to see the horribly shaped asses and legs of strangers. However, there are a few people that wear leggings well. Most noticeably for me, M.I.A. (look here! amazing!) Her style has made me highly intrigued by leggings with patterns on them, and not the ridiculous American Apparel "Afrika" patterned leggings (which is mildly offensive and a very unoriginal ripoff of this past seasons "ethnic" obsession), but rather these just4fun. I'm picturing them paired with other insane patterned clothing, short skirts, or the classic all black contrast. This one is my favorite:

I think the following people pull off the leggings situation really well. I think it has to do with the proportions created. It's never tight top + leggings, it usually looser longer tops + leggings or looser tops + short skirts or shorts + leggings that make it look good.
From Face Hunter:

From style bubble: