Two things occurred that finally made me watch Enter the Dragon (1973):
1. I watched Ong-Bak The Thai Warrior, which rekindled my interest in kung fu/muay thai that sort of thing.
2. I've finally been listening to the Wu Tang Clan.
And what can I say but wow. He has muscles I didn't even know existed.
Reading his "physical feats" in wikipedia made me even more impressed. Case in point:
Lee's combat movements were at times too fast to be captured on film at 24 frames per second, so many scenes were shot in 32fps to put Lee in slow motion. Normally martial arts films are sped up
In a speed demonstration, Lee could snatch a dime off a person's open palm before they could close it, and leave a penny behind.
Lee would hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.
Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks.
The movie itself was riddled with stereotypes but seemed to be aware of it--in one line Williams tells the bad guy, "You're like a cartoon character!" Indeed Williams, indeed.
Regardless of the campy nature of the film, I took some screenshots because Lee's facial expressions were just amazing. You must imagine him making YIIIIIAAAAAA sounds!
This is his face right after he kills the man who killed his sister.

This is the scene where he is fighting body guards, look at the reaction of that guy!!

And this is my favorite part of all.