images via ffffound.com
As I was looking through my image folder, I noticed that I saved many photographs shot underwater. Whenever I swim I always love to dive deep underwater and look up at the light coming through the water. This reminded me of the piece "Swimming Pool" by Leandro Erlich, currently on view at PS1. If you check out his site you can see his other works. I particularly like "Batiment" and "The Staircase." To me, the work is in this class of art that I like to call "cool" art--art that plays with optical illusions or technological feats, works that are enjoyable and yet, are missing a certain depth of meaning. There is definitely nothing wrong with art of this caliber, but I personally feel as though it is lacking something.

images from ps1.org and my own photo.
which one is yours?
The first one of the artwork!
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